Lebedev Sergey Nikolaevich
Chief engineer JSC "Bolshevik Mine" JSC «Sibuglemet»
"Degassing unit of MDU-180RV was put into operation at the mine «Bolshevik»,...
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Gavrilov Viktor Ivanovich
Chief engineer "DD&UM" JSC «SUEK-Kuzbass»
Review about: Кotinskaya Mine

“The first degassing unit on the basis of the Italian liquid ring pumps was put into operation on 28 July 2011, PU :Mine "Kotinskaya». Today similar units are purchased for the needs of the PU «Mine n.a. S.M. Kirov» and PU «Mine No. 7». Technical characteristics of the equipment and its safety are very important for us. The purification module of a methane-air mixture coming from the well,
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Volkov Alexey Yurievich
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Deputy chief engineer for production LLC "Uskovskaya Mine" JSC «UCC «Yuzhkuzbassugol»
Review about: Uskovskaya Mine

LLC «RDE «Factory of MDU» has delivered two degassing units of the MDU-110RB on JSC «UCC «Yuzhkuzbassugol», branch «Mine «Jubileynaya». The first unit was commissioned on 6 June 2011, the second one - on August 19, 2011. Construction of sites for degassing units, installation of the pipeline, its heat insulation, installation of degassing units, personnel training were carried out by LLC “R...
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Lebedev Sergey Nikolaevich
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Chief engineer JSC "Bolshevik Mine" JSC «Sibuglemet»
Review about: Bolshevik Mine

"Degassing unit of MDU-180RV was put into operation at the mine «Bolshevik», on 20 September, 2010. The unit is equipped with Italian pumps RVS 60, Robuschi factory. The capacity of a single pump is 60 cubic meters of methane-air mixture per a minute. Today the operating mode is three pumps in operation, another one is in reserve. We were attracted by the technical parameters of the degassing u
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Biryukov Alexey Evgenievich
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Chief mechanic LLC "Esaulskaya Mine" JSC «UCC «Yuzhkuzbassugol»
Review about: Esaulskaya Mine

LLC «RDE «Factory of MDU» installed the degassing unit MDU-110RB to the branch of «Mine «Esaulskaya», on 21 February 2011. Installation, commissioning, monitoring and adjustment were carried out by representatives of LLC «RDE «Factory of MDU». This unit is equipped with advanced sensors of monitoring of methane-air mixture (oxygen, CO, CH4), sensors of control of the mixture temperature at
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