Gavrilov Viktor Ivanovich
Chief engineer "DD&UM" JSC «SUEK-Kuzbass»
“The first degassing unit on the basis of the Italian liquid ring pumps was ...
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Accidents on mine "Kusheyakovskaya"
August 6 at 16:17 pm at the mine "Kusheyakovskaya", owned by "JUzhkuzbassugol" (a division of EVRAZ Group S.A., Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo reg...
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Exhibition of Mining Week Kazakhstan-2013
LLC "RDE" Factory of MDU” took part in the international exhibition Mining week Kazakhstan-2013, held from June 26 to 28 in the city of Ka...
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Exhibition of Russian Coal and Mining 2013
From 4 to 7 June 2013 LLC "RDE" Factory of MDU” with LLC "TH KuzbassElektromash-Service" and LLC "TMC" took part in the XX Anniversary Int...
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Shipment modular degassing unit
19.06.2013 year the shipment modular degassing unit MDU-240RBS for the needs of OAO "UK" KuzbassRazrezUgol" "Baykaimskaya" Mine. The unit ...
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The specialists of LLC "RDE "Factory of MDU" took part in the conference "Current technical and technological developments in the producti...
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The opening of the new production
In early 2012, the plant's management had taken a decision to establish the production of pipes for degassing. For the production of h...
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Acceptance of unit on SHU "Taldinskoye-South"
July 4, 2012 held acceptance of Modular degassing unit MDU-618RB on factory LLC "RDE" Factory of MDU” "Novokuznetsk. Photo ...
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Exhibition Mining week Kazakhstan-2012
For the first time in 2012, LLC "RDE "Factory of MDU" took part in the international exhibition Mining week Kazakhstan-2012 (photo number ...
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Exhibition "Russian Coal and Mining-2012"
LLC "RDE" Factory of MDU” part of LLC "TH KuzbassElektromash-Service "- it’s a high quality and reliability.  Not surprisingly, tha...
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Study trip on Robuschi spa
Study trip of representatives of  JSC “UMC” Yuzhkuzbassugol "on factory pumps Robuschi spa g.Parma (Italy) to become familiar with the pro...
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Exhibition "Russian Coal and Mining-2011"
From 7 to 10 June LLC "TH KuzbassElektromash-Service" with LLC "RDE" Factory of MDU" and LLC "TMC" took part in the XVIII International Sp...
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Ukrainian-Russian Himalayan expedition
First joint Ukrainian-Russian Himalayan expedition, launched under the slogan "Two countries, two peaks - one team," complete the task. At...
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